
Online Employee Scheduling Software

Online Employee Scheduling Software

Lightweight, easy to use yet very flexible open source self hosted online employee scheduling software with no monthly fees for any business that needs to manage and schedule staff shifts. Schedule employees and shifts anywhere at anytime online from your own website. No need or reason to put your employee data and work schedule in someone's hands.


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How it works

ShiftExec is an online staff scheduling application that can work on a web site (self-hosted). It's built in PHP which is a programming language available with almost any web hosting plan out of the box. If you have your own website with a domain name, it's a 99% chance that it runs PHP and ShiftExec will be able to work on your site. ShiftExec is very light on resources, we strive to make sure it runs with the most budget web hosting plans. Please check out the system requirements page for a bit of technical details.


ShiftExec with professional employee scheduling features provides a cost-effective, accurate and reliable online web-based solution for staff schedule management for small and medium-sized organizations such as bars, cafes, fire departments, medical institutions, amusement parks, cleaning services, restaurants, churches, and more. All you need is a website with PHP support to start scheduling employee shifts anywhere at anytime online from your website!

Avoid scheduling conflicts

Quickly see and correct any conflicts due to overlapping shifts or time off. Each conflicting entry is highlighted in the schedule view so you won't miss it.

Conflicting shifts in schedule

Flexible schedule calendar display

Conveniently and efficiently overview almost any type of work schedule on one screen thanks to various schedule calendar configuration options. Display shifts and time off in weekly, monthly or daily calendars. Group display by employee or by shift type. Show only required days of week if needed (for example only Mon, Wed and Fri).

Schedule calendar configration options form

Manage time off

Define any number of time off types like vacation, sick leave, personal time off, holidays, parental leave, and more.

Manage time off for staff members


There are a number of add-ons to help you create the most flexible rota scheduling system on your company website.

Copy schedule

Copy the full schedule from a previous date range.

Custom colors

Color code your shifts based on various conditions.

Custom fields

Create additional fields to keep custom information about your shifts and time off.

The base version of ShiftExec is free. The Pro version adds more employee scheduling features for a reasonable, one-time payment. It is a cost-effective and safe alternative to online employee scheduling services as this online PHP employee scheduler runs on your own website and requires no monthly fees.

Industry staff scheduling solutions

Shiftexec can successfully work as a staff scheduling application for small and medium companies in a variety of industries, such as:

  • Festival employee scheduling software
  • Home cleaning employee scheduling software
  • Hospital staff scheduling software
  • Bar staff scheduling software
  • Catering staff scheduling software
  • Museum staff employee scheduling software
  • Refinery employee scheduling
  • Venue staff scheduling software
  • Security staff scheduling software
  • Call center staff scheduling software

More employee scheduling features

Employee management

Manage each detail of every staff member. Assign shift and time off types.

Sync options

Our application is open to the world. One-way sync of the staff schedule to external calendar applications like Google Calendar, Outlook, iPhone Calendar with iCal sync.

Download any data

Export data with live CSV or JSON feeds. Control shifts and time off with REST API.

Print view

Schedule view and shift lists come with the printer friendly versions if you prefer a hard copy of the upcoming work schedule.

Staff self control

Each employee can log in and see their upcoming and past shifts and time off.

Version updates

We constantly add new features and options to provide a dependable online employee scheduling application that is easy to use yet features advanced staff calendar options at a reasonable price. Click here to see the list of latest updates and fixes. If you need even more advanced options, please let us know, we will do our best to provide a custom cost-effective solution for all your employee scheduling needs.

Το μικροβίωμα αναφέρεται στο σύνολο των μικροοργανισμών – βακτηρίων, μυκήτων και ιών – που ζουν στο ανθρώπινο σώμα, κυρίως στο έντερο, το δέρμα και τους βλεννογόνους. Αυτοί οι μικροοργανισμοί παίζουν καθοριστικό ρόλο στη διατήρηση της υγείας. Το μικροβιωμα μπορεί να διαταραχθεί από παράγοντες όπως η διατροφή, το στρες και η χρήση αντιβιοτικών, επηρεάζοντας την υγεία του πεπτικού και άλλων συστημάτων. Η διατήρηση ενός υγιούς μικροβιώματος μέσω σωστής διατροφής, πλούσιας σε φυτικές ίνες και προβιοτικά,